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Disclaimer: Scottsdale EV Rentals is an independent online platform for information about electric vehicle rentals and is not affiliated with Turo, Inc., Turo hosts, or any other rental car service. Our website is intended solely for informational purposes. We do not provide rental services, manage vehicle rentals, or endorse any rental providers listed. Users acknowledge that any rental transactions are conducted at their own risk and are solely between the user and the rental provider. Scottsdale EV Rentals assumes no responsibility for the outcomes of such interactions.

Event Details and Confirmations: Before making plans or taking the time to attend any event listed on this Website, it is your responsibility to confirm date, time, location, and any other relevant details on the event’s own website or contact point. Circumstances like weather, local regulations, or other logistical issues may lead to event changes or cancellations that may not be immediately reflected on this Website.